Immortalspedia Wiki
Immortalspedia Wiki

What is an immortal? They are an ancient humans that apotheosised upon death gaining god-like powers with the leader of them named Zeus.

immortal powers []

Air Walking - At the end of the film they are seen fighting the Titans, standing on the air as though it is solid ground.

Immortality - An immortal is completely immortal and will live forever but can be killed via the use of force, or sharp weapons.

Physical condition - a immortals physical condition is many times more powerful than human. They move so fast that they are literal bullet-timers. The same is true for durability such as when Poseidon causes a Tsunami when diving into the sea.

In the comics, which although part of the film continuity shows that Titans can survive decapitation by simply replacing their head back upon their shoulders. This is something that is at odds with the film.

Shape shifting - Most immortals if not all of them can shape shift into a mortal form so they can hide form any human in plot formeded

Teleport - They are able to take on the form of a ball of light which then flies back to Olympus, or whatever destination it is they wish to travel to.
