Theseus aiming with Epirus Bow
The Epirus Bow is weapon forged by the Gods. It can kill mortal or god. The bow originally belonged to Heracles. The bow was encased in stone by the god Zeus two times to prevent others from wielding it.
The bow is a main story prop, with the antagonist Hyperion desperately seeking it as well as Theseus. While the gods, especially Athena dreading what will happen if the bow falls in Hyperion's hands.
The bow generates its own set of arrows, with no need for physical arrows. When the bowstring is pulled by the user, the bow creates light-based arrows which when shot, hit their target with great concussive force. The arrow itself is strong enough to injure and kill even the likes of gods as stated previously.
- In Greek Mythology, Epirus is a member of the Theban royal family as the daughter of princess Agave and Echion, one of the Spartoi. It's unknown whether there's meaningful connection between such figure and the bow.